CIAIC’s annual gathering of Canadians returns for another year at GDC 2017 in San Francisco. In a celebration of the Canadian games industry there will be a chance to speak with participants from studios all across Canada, supporting partners and governments, as well as foreign companies interested in Canada. Come and network with industry leaders from all over Canada, have a drink, eat some poutine, and stop by the photobooth. TheCanada Game Nation’s 6th annual edition will host our 1,000 attendees on March 1st at 5:00pm at Jillian’s Metreon at 175th 4th Street, right by the doorsteps of the Game Developer Conference and Game Connection America.
This is possible only with the help of our generous sponsors and we thank them for their continuous support.
Registration will be opening soon, any organizations interested in supporting this event OR if you want to request an invite, please contact: