CIAIC invites you to the Canada Game Nation 2015 Reception on March 4th at Jillian’s Metreon in SF

CIAIC put together once more the largest reception of Canadian and international game developers professionals at GDC-GCA 2015 in San Francisco on March 4th 2015 at Jillian’s Metreon. For the 4th year CIAIC is gathering all Canadian participants and partners from around the world at this annual gathering which will host over 600 peoples and 150 VIP’s. Come network and exchange with the best of the industry and take a bite and a drink on us at 5:00 pm at Jillian’s Metreon at 175th, 4th Street just at the doorsteps of the Game Developer Conference and Game Connection America.

This is possible only with the help of our generous sponsors and we thank them for their continuous support.

This event is by invitation only, if you want to request an invite please send your request to:

Invitation Final

Published by CIAIC

CIAIC, a non-profit trade association founded in 2005, relies on partnerships to build on long standing tradition and to position Canada as the best place in the world to make video games, in line with two main objectives: - To facilitate great networking with international VIPs including publishers, investors and studio heads; and - To give Canadian game developers a chance to celebrate their great accomplishments.

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